Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Composed 219 Years Ago

 You know, right around the time of that ancient American Constitution We The People hold government in bondage to was written.

Painting a Zebra

You can paint a zebra to look like a horse but you cannot change its stripes or tendency to gnaw your leg off.  I am reminded of this in watching folk saying the Democrat party left them, they did not leave it.  

Many years ago, I would drive to New Orleans every now and again in order to bring my sister home to New Iberia and back again.  This was in the late 1990s when she was gathering her masters degree in arts management at the University of New Orleans.  Before then and during her time there she was being enculturated and donning the trappings of Marxist dogma, but she was still a coonass at heart.

On one occasion I drove my 240SX(pictured below but that's another story) to bring her home on the weekend of The Bayou Classic.  Did I say that we were coonasses?  Well, mamma was from Ville Platte and daddy was from Opelousas, so there.  Anyhow, my sister lived on Dauphine street almost directly across from Matassa's Grocery store, and Bourbon is the next street over.

In case you did not click on the hyperlink, or even if you did it's not honest, The Bayou Classic is a football game between  rival historically black colleges.  So the French Quarter, which encompasses Dauphine and Bourbon streets were packed to the gills with black people, not BLM pasties but real honest to god huge black men who comprised the teams, and their fans.

Mind you my sister and I both grew up from children during and after integration in the early 1970's.  Growing up then and later in life black people were just people, individuals.  In the case of other folk, that is certainly not how they always saw things.

As I rolled though the crowd on Bourbon street, several men did not move out of the way quickly enough to suit my sister.  Mind you the slow movers were large enough to lift my car and walk away with it.  My sister gets pissed off and rolls down her window, yelling at them to move it.  Next thing I know, she's opening my glove box and has her hand on my brand new Colt All American DAO.

I reached over and grabbed her by the elbow and tell her that we don't have enough ammo. Thank goodness she calmed down and shut the box as we peacefully rolled on through(Ed: Spelling corrected).

President Trump vs Slow Joe and the Democrats

In this short take, President Trump(Elvis) takes on the establishment and uses their instruments against them. 
 How it was.

How the debate will be painted, so to speak.
What it is.


Saturday, September 26, 2020


I noticed that I mostly crash now when I am trying new stuff or showing off.  The neighbors' yard man watched me walk away with the drone following me at around 3 ft above ground.  I was flying by camera and still ain't got that down yet.  He hollers, "It's gonna crash!" and of course it hit bare lantana branches that I could not see on the fenceline.

So I picked up the drone and there was a prop missing.  I started to look and brush to find it when these fellows(see below) got my attention by buzzing my face.  At least they did not go to war with me and so encouraged, I kept looking with my face a foot away from the nest.

The yard guy came over to see why I was taking so long and I pointed them out just as he inadvertently  kicked a yellow jacket nest seven feet away on the same fence line.  They all went to war with him as he retreated so I kept looking for my prop as they did not seem to mind me.

After a moment he came back and I still have yet to find my prop.  He told me I was going to get hit by the wasps but I told him that we had come to an understanding that he was the bad guy, not I. Neither of them had dibs on the smarts department. 

Anyhow, he does not believe me and comes over to look whereupon the wasps get irate at him, you know the big quick moving object, and give chase.  I looked for a bit longer while he retired to get the requisite firepower to combat the insects on his fence line.

