Friday, December 7, 2018

Goliath Introduction Music

I have discovered Goliath, starring Billy Bob Thornton.  The intro is visually appealing and the song by "The Silent Comedy" is catchy.  Here is the intro song, crank it up.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Thomas Sowell

The desired end result is achieved but many have lost their way and are still stumbling around in the darkness where they are taken advantage of by the unscrupulous.

"If you don't get a good education, whatever else you get is not going to make a major difference, economically or socially. That's why I'm so much in favor of the successful charter schools. This happens too often in the history of ideas. Segregation was made the reason the black kids weren't doing well, so people attack that factor. But now you have black kids doing well in predominantly black schools, and people are against them because they haven't been integrated. Integration was a means to an end, and when you achieve the end, you don't condemn the end because you didn't get there by the means you thought you were going to get there by."