Thursday, October 11, 2018

House Negros

Every time a black man or woman tries to leave the Democrat plantation, they must be attacked and denigrated.

"Whether they know it or not, CNN is borrowing from the playbook of the worst racists in American history. During the tragic and ugly history of slavery in the pre-Civil War era, white slave owners ruthlessly and violently punished any black man or woman who sought to educate themselves or think for themselves. It was all about controlling them and maintaining power over them.

During the post-Civil War era (after Republicans freed the slaves from Democrat plantations), white Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan as a terrorist arm of the Democrat party in order to intimidate, suppress, and destroy the political activities of the newly freed black population who were active and elected Republicans. Using murder, torture, and terror, white-hooded Democrats punished and made a public example of any black man or woman who dared think for themselves, who threatened the Democrat power structure.

During the era of Jim Crow, white Democrats codified these tactics into law, again, to suppress any black political activity that threatened the white Democrat power structure. Laws written and passed by Democrats legalized racism and segregation and made it nearly impossible for black Americans to vote.

Other than the tactics, nothing has changed with the modern-day Democrat Party. To protect their power, to ensure some 95% of black people continue to vote for them, white Democrats, primarily through establishment media outlets like CNN, are still trying to control black Americans."

Adventures in Manned Spaceflight

Today, a two man crew heading for the International Space Station(ISS), experienced a launch vehicle failure near 30 miles altitude.  In watching the launch video, you can see there is a problem and the disconnect between the American sounding narrator and the launch commentator carries on for a few moments.

I am glad I am not stuck on the ISS.  The Soyuz escape capsule expires in around the end of this year and the crew would have to use it by January or remain on station.  The next available capsule is in mid-2019, maybe.

"On Thursday morning, Ovchinin and Hague stuffed themselves into a tiny space capsule atop a 150-foot-tall (45 metre) rocket.
The Soyuz MS-10 spacecraft system, as the rocket and capsule is called, lifted off from a launch pad in Kazakhstan around 8:40 am UTC and zoomed toward space.
But about two minutes after liftoff, when the rocket was mostly out of sight from the ground, a second-stage booster on the rocket failed as four large side boosters were jettisoned.
That's when an "ABORT" light appeared in the cabin and, about a second later, the system automatically ejected the capsule, Kenny Todd, the space station's Mission Operations Integration Manager, said during a press briefing on Thursday.
Todd couldn't say whether the second-stage rocket exploded or simply lost thrust, but estimated the crew ejected some 30 miles (48 km) above Earth, which is halfway to the edge of space."

From the previously linked article, an epic photo:

"German astronaut Alexander Gerst was photographing the launch from aboard the ISS when the Soyuz failure occurred. He managed to capture a view of the capsule as it ejected from the rocket."

Here is the launch video: