Thursday, October 4, 2018

A Republic If You Can Keep It

If anyone will listen, I tell them that I think the 17th amendment to the Unites States constitution  should be repealed as it undermines the republic.

Over the course of time, you will hear often that the U.S. is a democracy.  This is not so, our founding fathers appreciated the volatility of democracies and ensured that the United States was not.

"That's why as originally enacted, the individual voter elected a total of one man to the federal government directly: his congressman, and no other. You didn't elect your senators, the state's legislature picked them to preserve the interests of the entire state, based on the deliberations of the state's legislature and governor. (This is why the XVIIth Amendment which undermined that concept should be repealed forthwith; it was one of the cornerstones of Progressivism, and has, at last, completely undermined the government, and invested us with a house of millionaire Lords, unaccountable and at odds with the states they nominally represent. But I digress). You didn't vote for the President directly either; the electoral college did, based on your votes, but not immediately subject to it, and the states got electors for the state, just like they got senators to represent the state's interests. For which long-suffering wisdom you may thank a merciful deity or an unconcerned natural universe that Felonia von Pantsuit is still not your president, nor was Albert Gore Jr. when planes began to smash into the World Trade Center. That's two simultaneous proofs that the Founders were far smarter than you think they were, and for the existence of an involved and compassionate deity. Otherwise, it would require Powerball odds to have been so fortuitously saved twice in this century already from the excesses and lunacy of direct democracy."


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