Friday, July 24, 2020

Wearing a Mask - or Not

Along with my Catholic and public university schooling, I am a voracious reader and an autodidact.  I find great joy in learning and when I need to apply reason the divers subjects I cover allow me to do so with not-undeserved confidence.

There are only two ways to defeat a virus, immunity or vaccination.  In the current Kung Flu pandemic we in these United States were asked to help hospitals from being overloaded by restricting our movements and gatherings.  That time has come and gone.  Some states are now going over the line where our individual liberties are drawn, exceeding their constitutional or legal authority.

"There’s risk inherent in living life. Each day we calculate the potential risk and make decisions about what we’ll do and where we’ll go. Most of us climb into a car every day and buckle up knowing that 1.35 million people worldwide die in car crashes each year and our morning commute could be our last. Some choose not to drive because the risk is too high. Others drive faster than the speed limit, making the calculus that the benefits of getting to where they’re going faster outweigh the risks.
Decisions individuals make about whether to wear a mask or stay home when there are contagions floating around are no different."

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