Saturday, May 15, 2021

Back in the Day

My Buddy Barry asked me what I thought might happen when we invaded Iraq and how it might go. I figured he meant how it might go with the locals. I asked him how he would react and what he might do. After all, you are invading and taking over in force.

Here, Michael Yon's experience spells it out.

"I know how sniper Pashtun felt. US Army stole my work and insulted me in public AFTER THEY STOLE IT. It's been sixteen years and I am still shooting ink bullets.

Never misuse your position of power. Never cancel someone who will cancel back. British canceled his trees, paid a pittance, and he was going to settle the score. He would talk about it on his radio!

Mr. Sniper shot at us every day. Big-assed rifle. I think it was SVD.

We were listening to him chat on walkie-talky. Americans surely would have killed him when he kept keying the mic, but British don't have as much cool gear. I think the Germans in World War II would have DF'd (direction find) him, but Brits just weren't nailing him.

British kept trying to countersnipe. Always staking him out.

But he was good. We all respected him. He was very brave. He would take on shot and vanish.

This was pretty much daily as I recall. AK-47 bullets SNAP when they pass by, but rifle was much bigger. Those bullets passed very close with a BANG! Don't matter if you are wearing your helmet if that gets you. It's gonna go through your helmet, smash your head, and break your neck.

He had gone all the way to Pakistan to buy the rifle, if my memory is right. Look up Sangin and Pakistan on Google Earth and see how far he went just to buy a rifle due to the tree insult."

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