Thursday, December 16, 2021

An Old Mohammedan Condemned

Five years in prison for an 80 year old man.  Let the corrupt west take note.

"Friends, in regards to ... Donald Trump, we wanted to ask our brothers — the fuqaha [jurists of Islamic law] and the ulema [scholars of Islam] — a question: if this man ... were to coerce, through the power of arms, the greater majority of Muslims living in America ... to become Christians, or pay jizya, otherwise he takes over their homes, kills their men and enslaves their women and girls, and sells them on slave markets; if he were to do all this, would he be considered a racist and a terrorist or not?

Of course, I'm just hypothesizing, and know that the Bible and its religion do not promote such things, but let's just assume: Would he be a racist or not? Would he be a terrorist or not? How then [when one considers] that we have in our Islamic jurisprudence, which you teach us, and tell us that all the imams have agreed on, that the Islamic openings [i.e., conquests] are the way to disseminate Islam? This word "openings" [futuhat] — we must be sensitive to it! The Islamic openings mean swords and killing. The Islamic openings, through which homes, fortresses, and territories were devastated, these ... [are part of] an Islam which you try to make us follow.

So I wonder O sheikh, O leader of this or that Islamic center in NY, would you like to see this done to your wife and daughter? Would you — this or that sheikh — accept that this be done to your children? That your daughter goes to this fighter [as a slave], your son to this fighter, a fifth [of booty] goes to the caliph and so forth? I mean, isn't this what you refer to as the Sharia of Allah? ... So let's think about things in an effort to discern what's right and what's wrong.

Simply put, Maher asked the clerics of Islam what, precisely, they were complaining about. All that Trump had done is ban immigration from Muslim nations closely associated with terrorism. What if he actually treated Muslims in America the way Muslims have always treated non-Muslims under their authority — the way Islamic law, sharia, demands — that is, in a manner far worse than simply banning immigration from terrorist nations in the interest of self-preservation?

For having such views and asking such questions, Maher has just been sentenced to five years in prison — the maximum penalty — in accordance with Article 98 F of the Egyptian penal code, which states:

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