Friday, September 13, 2013

Blog Zapped

I am starting my blog over.  Last week, after a problem surfaced in regards to posting to my blog, I deleted my entire Google account.  After I got over my mad, I had it restored by Google folk but the blog "NewIberian" was not restored.

I do have an off-line backup but as I wrote in a previous post, backups are useless if they cannot be used to restore.  Sure, I could restore from the backup but it would involve a lot of work that I am not prepared to do.

As for the problem that arose, it is still there and will not allow me to post as I had before.  However, after poking around I tried using a secure connection and it all worked as far as being able to create a post.

I had not been using a secure connection as my logins to post had little chance of being intercepted due to other security procedures that I was using.  I guess that another layer of security will not do any harm and I should have been using HTTPS as a matter of course.

Check back for daily updates.


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